Empowering Your Business for Exponential Growth

“Unlock Your Business Potential with Business Coaching”

Achieve Sustainable Growth and Success with the 5D Framework and 6 Steps Methodology


Welcome to ActionCOACH, where we empower leaders and organisations to achieve extraordinary success. Our unique approach integrates the proven 5D framework and the 6 Steps to a Better Business methodology to provide comprehensive and results-driven coaching services. With a wealth of experience and a passion for helping businesses thrive, Luke Kay is your trusted partner on the path to exponential growth and long-term success.

About Luke Kay

Your Expert Business Coach

Luke Kay is a seasoned business coach with a track record of helping businesses achieve remarkable growth and success. With years of experience across various industries, Luke brings a wealth of knowledge, strategic insights, and a personalised approach to coaching. His commitment to understanding each client’s unique challenges and goals sets him apart as a coach who truly cares about your success.

Why Choose Luke Kay?

  • Proven Success: Luke has helped numerous businesses achieve exponential growth and long-term success.
  • Tailored Approach: Every coaching program is customised to meet your specific needs and challenges.
  • Holistic Methodology: Integrating the 5D framework and the 6 Steps methodology ensures a comprehensive and effective approach to business coaching.
  • Ongoing Support: Luke provides continuous support, accountability, and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.

Our Coaching Services

We offer a variety of coaching services tailored to meet your unique business needs. Explore our comprehensive coaching solutions designed to drive growth and success.

1-2-1 Business Coaching

Personalised coaching sessions designed to meet the specific needs of business owners of Small and Medium Sized Businesses.

Unlock the full potential of your business with one-on-one coaching tailored to your unique challenges and goals. Luke Kay will guide you through the 6 Steps to a Better Business framework, providing the strategies and support you need to overcome obstacles and achieve your objectives.

Learn More About 1-2-1 Business Coaching

1-2-1 Executive Coaching

Focused on developing leadership skills and driving organisational success for Senior Executives in Medium and Large Organisations.

Our executive coaching program is designed for business leaders seeking to enhance their leadership capabilities and drive their organisation forward. Through personalised coaching, we help executives refine their strategic thinking, improve decision-making, and lead their teams to success, utilising the 5 Disciplines Framework.

Learn More About Executive Coaching

Strategic Planning

Developing comprehensive strategic plans to achieve long-term success.

Strategic planning is essential for aligning your organisation’s goals and maximising resources. Our approach integrates the 5D framework, ensuring a holistic development process that addresses all critical aspects of your business. We begin with a thorough 5D Organisational Development Assessment, followed by a detailed strategic planning process.

Learn More About Strategic Planning

2-Day Strategic Planning Retreat

An intensive retreat designed to immerse your leadership team in the strategic planning process.

Our 2-day retreat focuses on developing a comprehensive strategic plan tailored to your organisation’s needs. During this immersive session, we align your team on priorities and goals, and create a high-growth planning vehicle to drive your business forward, leveraging the 5D framework.

Learn More About 2-Day Strategic Planning Retreat

The 5D Framework

Our Executive Coaching, Strategic Planning, and 2-Day Retreat services are built around the 5D framework. This approach ensures a comprehensive and holistic development process that addresses five critical areas of business success.

Strategy: How You Are Going to Win

Sustainability is key to long-term success. The Discipline of Strategy acts as a fountain of youth, enabling businesses to continually reinvent themselves and stay relevant. Our coaching focuses on developing strategic thinking and planning to ensure your organisation remains vibrant and competitive.

Learn More About Strategy

Business Development: Predictability is the Crystal Ball of Business Success

Predictability empowers you to foresee your business’s future, enabling you to make informed decisions that drive exponential growth. Learn how to leverage data-driven insights, mitigate risks, and enhance customer satisfaction through our coaching.

Learn More About Business Development

Execution: Consistency is The Incantation of Business Success

Consistency is the magical incantation that transforms good intentions into exceptional outcomes. Our coaching program will help you establish robust processes, effective management practices, and stringent financial controls, ensuring reliable and high-quality performance.

Learn More About Execution

People: The Foundation of Business Stability

The stability of any organisation rests on the shoulders of its people. By focusing on leadership, talent development, and recruitment, we help you build a robust and motivated workforce. Learn how to harness the full potential of your team through the Discipline of People.

Learn More About People

Mission: The Heartbeat of Purpose-Driven Business

A compelling mission is the lifeblood that fosters deep emotional connections with customers, employees, and stakeholders. Discover how to define and live your organisation’s purpose, creating a sense of belonging and commitment that transcends mere transactions.

Learn More About Mission


The 6 Steps to a Better Business

Our 1-2-1 Business Coaching services are built around the 6 Steps to a Better Business framework. Each step focuses on a key area of business success, providing a clear path to growth and sustainability.

Step 1: Mastery

Building a Strong Foundation

Mastery is about getting the basics right. We focus on destination, time, delivery, and money to create a solid foundation for your business.

Learn More About Mastery

Step 2: Niche

Creating a Unique Market Position

Niche involves developing a unique selling proposition and marketing strategy to set your business apart from the competition.

Learn More About Niche

Step 3: Leverage

Streamlining Operations

Leverage focuses on using systems and technology to streamline your operations and increase efficiency.

Learn More About Leverage

Step 4: Team

Building a High-Performing Team

Team is about recruitment, leadership, and management to build a high-performing team aligned with your business goals.

Learn More About Team

Step 5: Synergy

Creating a Well-Oiled Machine

Synergy is about integrating all aspects of your business to work together seamlessly. We ensure that your strategies, systems, and team efforts are aligned to create a cohesive, efficient operation.

Learn More About Synergy

Step 6: Results

Achieving Sustainable Growth

Results focus on measuring performance and ensuring sustainable growth and profitability. We help you set up key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to track your success, refine your strategies, and achieve your business goals.

Learn More About Results

How We Help

Tailored Strategies: We customise our coaching programs to meet your specific needs and challenges, ensuring you get the most relevant and impactful guidance. Whether you need help with strategic planning, leadership development, or operational efficiency, we provide solutions that are aligned with your business objectives.

Expert Insights: Benefit from Luke Kay’s extensive experience and strategic insights, helping you navigate complexities and drive your business forward. Our coaching sessions are designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed decisions and achieve sustainable growth.

Holistic Approach: Our integrated approach, combining the 5D framework and the 6 Steps methodology, ensures all aspects of your business are optimised for success. From enhancing predictability and consistency to fostering a purpose-driven mission and a high-performing team, we cover all critical areas of business development.

Ongoing Support: Receive continuous support and accountability through regular coaching sessions, progress reviews, and access to valuable resources. Luke Kay is committed to your long-term success and is always available to provide guidance and assistance whenever you need it.

Pain Points Addressed

Lack of Clear Direction and Strategy: Many business owners struggle with setting a clear direction for their business. Our coaching helps you define your vision, set realistic goals, and develop a strategic plan to achieve them. By focusing on strategic thinking and planning, we ensure that your business is always moving in the right direction.

Inefficient Processes and Systems: Inefficient processes can drain your time and resources. We help you streamline your operations, implement effective systems, and use technology to boost productivity. Our approach ensures that your business processes are not only efficient but also scalable, allowing you to handle growth seamlessly.

Struggles with Time Management and Productivity: Time management is a common challenge for business owners. We provide strategies and tools to help you manage your time effectively, prioritise tasks, and stay focused on what matters most. By improving your productivity, you can achieve more in less time and reduce stress.

Difficulty in Building and Leading a High-Performing Team: Building a strong team is essential for business success. We help you develop your leadership skills, create a positive team culture, and recruit and retain top talent. Our coaching ensures that your team is aligned with your business goals and motivated to perform at their best.

Inconsistent Business Growth and Profitability: Sustaining growth and profitability can be challenging. We provide the insights and strategies you need to drive consistent, sustainable growth and improve your bottom line. By focusing on financial controls, marketability, and scalability, we ensure that your business remains profitable and competitive.

Benefits of Our Coaching and Strategic Planning Services

Clear, Actionable Business Strategies: Our coaching helps you develop and implement clear, actionable strategies that drive results. We provide you with a roadmap to success, ensuring that every step you take is aligned with your long-term goals.

Streamlined Operations and Improved Efficiency: We help you identify and eliminate inefficiencies, streamline your processes, and use technology to improve productivity. Our approach ensures that your business operations are efficient, cost-effective, and capable of supporting growth.

Enhanced Time Management Skills: Our time management strategies help you stay organised, prioritise tasks, and make the most of your time. By improving your productivity, you can achieve a better work-life balance and reduce the stress associated with running a business.

Stronger Leadership and Team Performance: We provide the guidance and support you need to become a more effective leader and build a high-performing team. Our coaching helps you develop the skills needed to inspire, motivate, and lead your team to success.

Sustainable Business Growth and Increased Profitability: Our coaching and strategic planning services help you achieve sustainable growth and improve your profitability, ensuring long-term success. We focus on creating a solid foundation for your business, identifying new opportunities for growth, and implementing strategies that drive profitability.

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What is Business Coaching?

Business coaching, in the ActionCOACH philosophy, is your ultimate strategic advantage. It’s not just an expenditure; it’s a savvy investment that propels your business forward. By igniting your team’s potential, fine-tuning your strategies, and optimising your operations, it generates tangible, bottom-line results, catapulting your business to new heights of profitability and success.

Business Coaching is for Champions

Under the guidance of a coach, Owners navigate the twists and turns of entrepreneurship, emerging triumphant in the competitive business arena.

Business Coaching Provides Clear Direction

With a coach’s guidance, entrepreneurs gain crystal-clear clarity on their goals, crafting actionable plans that streamline efforts and ensure resources are efficiently utilised.

Business Coaching Keeps You Laser-Focused

With accountability at the forefront, coaching ensures unwavering dedication to your objectives, driving consistent progress even amidst distractions or hurdles.

Business Coaching Sparks Action and Tangible Results

The promise of being answerable for progress ignites a relentless pursuit of success, transforming intentions into impactful outcomes and driving strides toward meaningful goals.

Business Coaching Supercharges Performance and Productivity

Custom strategies for time management, goal setting, and prioritisation optimise both individual and team performance, propelling businesses toward sustainable growth and success.

Business Coaching Refines Leadership Skills

Coaching empowers leaders to inspire and motivate their teams, foster collaboration, and steer organisations toward success through visionary leadership and strategic direction.

Business Coaching Elevates Management Proficiency

From leadership prowess to strategic acumen and effective communication, coaching enhances managers’ abilities to steer teams and navigate complex business landscapes with confidence.

Business Coaching: An Investment in Your Triumph

 Our coaching isn’t just an expense—it’s a calculated investment in personal and professional development, delivering unmatched returns in heightened productivity, profitability, and overall fulfilment both at work and in life.

We Stand by Our Results: At ActionCOACH, we’re committed to delivering tangible outcomes. With our proven methodologies and personalised guidance, we guarantee measurable progress and impactful results for your business.

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Does Business Coaching Work?

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Book Your Complimentary Discovery Call to learn how to Scale Your Business From 7 Figure Revenues to 7 Figure Profits.

It takes less than 30 seconds.

Perfect Shutters Growth Story

See how working with ActionCOACH business coach Luke Kay transformed Perfect Shutters into a business that was built for growth.

With Luke’s business coach guidance, Perfect Shutters have increased their sales by 20%, with a 45% increase in gross profit and a 30% increase in net profit.

This video was recorded in 2018, since then Perfect Shutters have gone on to grow by over 500% in revenue and profit has increased by over 600%.

Business Coaching FAQs

Here are the most common questions we get asked about business coaching.

What is business coaching?


Business coaching is a professional partnership between a trained coach and a business owner or senior executive. It involves a collaborative and personalised approach to help individuals improve their business performance, develop leadership skills, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals.

How can business coaching benefit my company?


Business coaching offers numerous benefits for companies, such as improved decision-making, enhanced productivity, increased profitability, better leadership and management skills, strategic planning, goal setting, accountability, and overall business growth and success.

How does the business coaching process work?


The business coaching process typically begins with an initial consultation to assess your needs and goals. From there, the coach will work with you to create a customised coaching plan, which may involve regular coaching sessions, goal-setting, action planning, skill development, and ongoing support and guidance to help you achieve your desired outcomes.

Is business coaching suitable for all types of businesses?


Business coaching can be valuable for businesses of all sizes and industries, including startups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and large corporations. Whether you are a solopreneur or have a team, business coaching can help you unlock your potential and achieve success.

What qualifications or experience should I look for in a business coach?


When choosing a business coach, it's important to consider their qualifications, certifications, and experience in the field. Look for coaches who have relevant business experience, specialised training, and certifications from reputable coaching organisations. Additionally, consider their track record, client testimonials, and compatibility with your business goals and values.

How long does a typical business coaching engagement last?


The duration of a business coaching engagement can vary depending on your needs and goals. It can range from a few months to multiple decades. The coach will work with you to determine the appropriate timeframe based on your objectives and the complexity of the challenges you want to address.

What is the cost of business coaching?


The cost of business coaching varies depending on several factors, such as the coach's experience, expertise, and location, as well as the scope and duration of the coaching engagement. It's best to discuss pricing and payment options directly with the coach during the initial consultation or discovery call.

Can business coaching help with specific challenges, such as sales, marketing, or leadership?


Yes, business coaching can address specific challenges and areas of focus. Coaches can provide guidance and strategies to improve sales and marketing efforts, enhance leadership skills, develop effective communication, build high-performing teams, and overcome obstacles hindering business growth.

How often do coaching sessions occur, and how long do they last?


The frequency and duration of coaching sessions can be tailored to your needs and availability. Sessions typically occur on a regular basis, such as weekly or fortnightly and can last anywhere from 45 minutes to 60 minutes, depending on the coach's approach and your preferences.

How is business coaching different from consulting or mentoring?


Business coaching differs from consulting and mentoring in that it focuses on empowering individuals to discover their own solutions and make informed decisions. Coaches use a facilitative approach, asking powerful questions, providing support, and fostering self-awareness and growth. Consulting tends to involve providing expert advice and solutions, while mentoring typically involves guidance based on the mentor's own experiences.

Do you offer a free consultation or initial session?


Yes, we offer a free consultation to get to know each other, discuss your needs, and explore how business coaching can benefit you. It's an opportunity for you to ask questions, share your goals, and determine if we are the right fit for your coaching journey.

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