One of the biggest tools we talk about as business coaches is the powerful tool of mindset. That with the right mindset, continuous personal develop and your focus set, that you can achieve all that you need to BE in order to DO what you need to so you can HAVE all that you want.  You may hear of others talking about the Law of Attraction and that if you ask, visualise and verbalise that eventually you will materialise what you want.

Some may be sceptical but this week in the ActionCoach Liverpool 90 Day Growth Club my clients and I witnessed the power of setting your mind to what you want.

Law of Attraction –  Business Success Story

At the end of each 90 Day Growth Club, all attendees write a letter to themselves which will be opened at the beginning of the next session, in 90 days time. Some feel uncomfortable in doing this, some don’t know what to write and some feel it is a waste of time. But it is a powerful exercise as one client in January’s session found out.

In the October 90 Day Growth Club, a client who has a successful business but with very seasonal cashflow which means that the autumn months are particularly difficult, wrote in their letter: “Wow!  That £20,000 of unexpected income came just at the right time”.

Little did they know that 4 weeks later, an old friend (who had come into some money) would get in touch and offer to help with the business – providing and loan and investment into the business along with support and mentoring for the team. This literally saved the cash flow and allowed the recruitment of a new team member who is driving new business into the company and increasing profits.

How incredible is that as a Law of Attraction Business Success Story?

So if you want to start asking and receiving, here’s some simple steps to add into your daily routines so that you can start working with the Law of Attraction:

  1. Visualisation
    • Focus on what is your ideal – what is it you want? Be as specific as you can.
    • Spend 10 mins at the beginning and end of you day to focus on it.
    • Picture your ideal outcome as if it is true.
    • Imagine the feelings you will feel when it is true.
    • Believe that it is yours already.
    • Keep planting the right seeds.
  2. Verbalisation
    • List 20 “I am… ” statements about yourself and you life as you choose it to be.
    • Repeat each statement at least twice a day with passion and conviction.
    • Make sure you state it in the present tense or ‘in the process of’.
    • Be passionate – the more often you do it, the better it works.
  3. Materialisation
    • The seeds that you plant in your mind will grow and manifest.
    • The more energy and emotion you print to your goals, the faster they will materialise.

Remember – you can only DO what you ARE and you only ARE what you THINK…

My client didn’t just write a letter and that was it. We have worked on changing her mindset to one of belief, confidence and discipline. She reads ‘I am’ statements twice a day, created a vision board, has clear goals which describe EXACTLY what she wants and where she wants to be both in business and in her personal life.

As an organisation, ActionCoach can provide thousands of tried and tested business tools, templates and documents to structure, organise and grow a business but the most rewarding part is to work with and coach clients on developing a winning mindset so that their lives change.

Are you ready to start receiving what you want?

Come and have a free session so we can start your journey...