Stopping The Downward Spiral

Have you ever noticed that when you feel like a certain part of your life isn’t working out the way you thought it would, or it was all going ok and then your plan takes a turn for the worse, that you will sabotage yourself in far more ways than one? And not just relating to the little setback you had encountered initially.

How is it that perhaps a prospect you had worked on for weeks was looking positive and then something changed, they declined your offer, and you feel disappointed.

This might happen at the end of the week, and you think, sod it, let’s go for a pint. You end up ‘out-out’, and your plans for Saturday are scarpered. You cancel a football game you have on Sunday, and then you start feeling like you are coming down with a cold, or you start becoming clumsy, dropping things, forgetting appointments, losing your keys, burning your dinner. What is that all about?

When people feel like they have failed in their personal or business performance they very likely take it to heart. They become disappointed, their energy levels change and they begin a downward spiral, displaying all sorts of self-sabotaging behaviour.

The reason for this is that the brain will focus on whatever you think about, whether it be positive or negative. It will self-fulfill the messages that you are sending it. Therefore if you tell yourself you have failed, and that you are no good because of a setback, then your behaviour will start to reflect this.

Be very careful of the words that you choose and the messages you are transmitting to your brain.

In my experience, the best way to stop the downward spiral is to recognise the change in behaviour as soon as it takes shape. Challenge yourself not to participate in it. Go and do something that will positively focus you again. Look at what you can achieve to put things right. Make a list of what has to be done to get you back on track. Link up with a friend who motivates you and pushes you to stay focused. Share the way you are feeling but do it quickly and move on. Get to the gym and get into your flow again. Be kind to yourself. We all have to see our failings to see our successes.

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