CASE STUDY - RETAIL - Liverpool - ActionCOACH


650% Increase in Profit for Liverpool Based

Plantation Shutters

I think if we hadn’t started to work with ActionCOACH our business could have potentially imploded, in the sense that we had unhappy staff, regularly long working hours, weak systems and a lack of control.

At the time I was ready to go backwards if anything, become a more relaxed business owner, getting involved with ActionCOACH and Luke gave e the vision and inspiration to grow again and to realise that we can do it and that we shouldn’t give up and settle and we should continue to move forward and be ambitious.

The expectations were high, it sounded like a good program and something that I was keen to get on board with.
I’d say that the results were quite instant in the fact that I changed almost overnight as a person, I was keen to learn more, to do more and the fire was reignited.

Luke and I work really well together, it’s a relationship of trust and friendship. He’s like any coach or PT, he makes me do a few more reps and work a bit harder, doesn’t go easy on me and I think I appreciate that because I know it does me good in the long run.

The main strategies that we’ve used is control of numbers, knowing our numbers and setting our plans to grow, it’s very important that you know that when you want to grow, that you need to create milestones and strategies to work towards and achieve them.

Previously we sort of grew our team by taking on anyone who could join us as soon as possible to help with the operation, now we’re a lot more careful in our selection process with our recruitment process we make sure we look for the ideal candidate, we don’t rush in.

Our gross profit has increased by 45%, sales by 20% and our net profit is around 30% in growth. Plus, the number of referrals and testimonials and customer reviews that we get now is far greater than we’ve ever had before and that’s testament to the fact that we now deliver a lot better than we used to.

The main milestone that was always the intention of achieving this year is that we’re now consolidated and ready for much larger growth, so we’re looking at new stores, increasing our marketing and growing our geographical spread and we’re much better prepared for that now than we were this time last year.

With regards to lifestyle, I’ll get back to me as and when the times right at the moment I’m very happy investing in moving forward and its an investment so that I can slow down my hours and invest in me personally when the jobs done. My family and I enjoy to go to Dubai, I would have always limited my vacation time to 10 to 14 days, I can go now for 21 days and enjoy my time there with my family knowing that I’ve still got my finger on the button.

There are things that you learn through ActionCOACH that just aren’t taught to you on the streets or by your peers or bank manager, college or university. ActionCOACH to me is just a fully bona fide university of business and the tools can be picked up very quickly and implemented straight away.
No hesitation in saying, jump on board and do it.

Because of ActionCOACH I know that my business can be a commercial, profitable enterprise that works without me.

Paul Nixon – Owner, Perfect Shutters Ltd

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