This month, we’re focusing on simple ways to grow your business. You’ll learn how to get useful customer feedback, keep your best clients happy, and hire the right team to support your success.

Session 1. Understanding Customer Surveys & Standards

Customer feedback is gold! Learn how to effectively use surveys and set customer service standards that drive continuous improvement and growth.

  • Craft meaningful questions to gather actionable feedback that gives insight into what your customers really want.
  • Analyse survey data to identify trends, areas for improvement, and opportunities to enhance the customer experience.
  • Set and maintain service standards that align with your company’s values, ensuring your team consistently delivers top-tier service.
Session 2. Retaining Clients and Getting Testimonials

Your best customers are the ones who stay! Discover the secrets to retaining clients and turning their loyalty into powerful testimonials for your business.

  • Create exceptional customer experiences that keep clients coming back and encourage them to spread the word.
  • Ask for testimonials at the right time, ensuring that happy clients share their success stories with others.
  • Use testimonials effectively on your website, social media, and marketing materials to build credibility and attract new clients.
Session 3. Recruitment Principles & Building the Right Team

A business is only as strong as its team. Learn how to recruit the best talent and build a winning team that drives your business forward.

  • Develop a clear hiring strategy that focuses on finding team members who align with your company culture and values.
  • Ask the right interview questions to uncover candidates’ true strengths and potential, ensuring you hire the right fit.
  • Invest in team development to empower your staff to grow and contribute to your business success, creating a culture of continuous improvement.

Leave with practical tools to grow your business, keep your clients happy, and build a strong team.

Remember, small steps lead to big results—take action today and keep pushing forward!

Friday 25th October

9:30 am - 1:00 pm


The Liner Hotel
Lord Nelson Street
L3 5QB