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Tag Archives: Business Planning

The Key to Profits for Your Online Business In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) is a metric that has taken centre stage. But, is it truly the golden goose it’s cracked up to be? In this blog post, we’ll…

March 23rd 2021, marks exactly one year since the country was first plunged into lockdown. Businesses across the UK have had a range of different experiences over the last twelve months. Some have thrived and grown, others have pivoted their business model and some have…

Writing a business plan can be daunting for any business owner, especially for those starting out and launching.  Often business owners and leaders tie themselves up in knots over what the business plan format should be. They don’t know where to start, what to include…

Do you set goals but don’t allocate the time to achieve them? Well, you need to look no further – here are the five steps I use with all of my clients to ensure they achieve their goals. 1.    MAKE THE GOAL – SMT NOT SMART…

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