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Tag Archives: goal setting

  The Power of Delegation for High Performance In the fast-paced world of business, mastering delegation is not just a skill but a strategic advantage. Delegation allows business leaders to focus on critical tasks that drive growth while empowering their team members to take on…

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

How to be a Strong Leader in Business by Luke Kay For your business to thrive and to achieve your goals, you need to be able to guide and inspire your team. If you’re not a strong leader, how do you expect your employees to…

Law of Attraction Business Success

One of the biggest tools we talk about as business coaches is the powerful tool of mindset. That with the right mindset, continuous personal develop and your focus set, that you can achieve all that you need to BE in order to DO what you…

Do you set goals but don’t allocate the time to achieve them? Well, you need to look no further – here are the five steps I use with all of my clients to ensure they achieve their goals. 1.    MAKE THE GOAL – SMT NOT SMART…

January is the month when we all set out with a list of  New Year resolutions, business goals and personal goals to improve our lives, our work and relationships. We begin the new year with the optimism of change and the excitement of what can,…

Playing to not win the Wooden Spoon I saw something on LinkedIn the other day discussing business owners who are ‘Playing Not to Lose’ rather than ‘Playing to Win’? Let’s just look at that again… they are playing not to lose rather than to win.…

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